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Week 4:  Day 23          Health Strategy:  Inner Circle

The "inner circle" principle is used by the healthy, though sometimes unconsciously. I’ll show you first an extreme example then a practical application.

First, an extreme example: when Christ prepared to walk into a house to raise the dead, he "permitted no one to follow Him except Peter, James, and John" [Mark 5:37]. Then, before he took care of the problem and commanded, "Little girl, I say, get up" [Mark 5:41], before he did anything dramatic, he sent everyone out of the house except the 3 in the inner circle and the parents of the child. He didn’t call for T.V. cameras; he didn’t try to convince anyone of anything. He just ejected from the house the people who "ridiculed Him" [Mark 5:40] and then did his job. Not even the other 9 disciples were allowed in the room.

So, is there really a practical application concerning health in this Bible story? Possibly, your most important and difficult goals, resolutions, aspirations, and tasks for the day should be kept private (not televised or broadcasted). Sharing the most important somehow dilutes resolve and dampens results of my patients. Consider a practical example:

You’re at your mother’s house and you start to explain to your cousin details of how you plan to drop 50 pounds and increase your energy with your new exercise plan. What are the chances that cousin Sue (who’s watching TV and eating a 700-calorie snack) is interested or apt to offer encouragement? If your next party is like most, you’ll hear no comment if you drink a couple of sodas and eat a large slice of desert; you’re more likely to face "ridicule" if you eat a bowl of oranges and skip the desert. That much you know and probably need no reminder. Here’s the part that possibly needs pointing out: the less explaining you do the more likely you are to continue with your resolve.

Explaining and making all actions transparent opens the door that leads to your inner circle of value and resolve. Allowing anyone into this circle weakens your results (even Christ found it necessary to rope off an inner circle). Repeatedly, I see my patients discouraged in the effort to improve their health by the ridicule (implied or direct) of friends and family. Explanation of plans usually brings a reply listing all the reasons for failure. But, change does seem to demand Resolve.

Ben Franklin listed in his 13-point summary of the virtues "Resolution." A better word might be Promise. Steven Covey said the best way to care for relationships is to make and keep promises. Franklin would have said, "make and keep resolutions." I’ve found the healthiest seem to make and keep promises to self but are reluctant to reveal those promises.

For accomplishment of promises, inner Circles seem to strengthen the resolve of the healthy who share powerful goals with healthy people; so, a healthy inner circle can be a powerful motivator and facilitator.

The unhealthy either have an inner circle that scribes people who practice unhealthy habits or else have no inner circle, only resolutions diluted by the ridicule of the crowd.

__ Mark Chapters 4 - 5

__ Walk 3 miles: actual miles walked _____

__ Eat 5 fruits or vegetables _____

__ Virtue: Resolution/Courage - resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve.

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